Full-sentence and text translator, plus free

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123Translator can translate words in microseconds

Get to know 123Translator.com

Need to translate a word, sentence or text quickly but don’t know the language? Have you received a letter or read a text in a foreign language but don’t understand and need to know the content quickly? Then turn to 123Translator.com, which can translate everything instantly into 45 languages for free. There is no need to be ashamed of using a translator, even professional translators work with these great products.

Why use an online translator? The world is becoming a global place, distances are getting shorter and nations are getting closer. There is a need to overcome language barriers so that people speaking different languages can communicate with each other even without knowledge of specific languages.

Classical dictionaries are not practical in this case, all people want to have words and sentences translated immediately and not waste time on often complicated searches. In addition, a dictionary may not always be at hand, whereas an internet connection is possible almost everywhere nowadays.

online sentence translator

How to work with 123Translator.com

No need to have any concerns, everything works online, conveniently, simply and clearly. Just insert the text you want to translate. The translator itself knows the default language, you just enter the target language and press the Translate button. You can enter up to 1000 characters for translation, the translator will check this length for you.

If you are translating single words, the translator will offer you the correct option, as it contains an extensive dictionary of common and uncommon words and phrases. When translating longer texts, the resulting translation may not be completely accurate, but it is always fully understandable to the other party. The whole activity takes place in a fraction of a second and you can immediately use the resulting text.

Even if you always recognise the main idea in the translation, the translator may still make occasional mistakes or use inappropriate words. A feel for the finer points of language is not yet present in these programs. If you need to translate a more technical foreign language text just for your own use, using a translator is fine. If you’re creating an important document, don’t just rely on online translation and have the text checked.

Make your life easier with 123Translator.com

While online translators aren’t perfect, they can make your life a lot easier, especially when communicating in person on social media or searching for information. Anyone who frequently uses the internet or communicates with foreign partners and friends has already experienced this.

Not only can you easily and quickly find out the meaning of unfamiliar words and terms in less common languages, but you can also make friendships with people from distant and different countries, which can lead to subsequent visits to interesting countries.

Just because you don’t speak the same language or write in the same script is not a problem for eTranslator. For example, the Chinese translator, which writes the translated concept in Chinese, is a perfect example of this. A bravura translation can motivate you to take an interest in the language, and maybe even start learning it yourself.